MetabolicDietHill’s new Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution

  • 53% of dogs and 55% of cats in the United States are overweight or obese according to a 2011 survey by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.
  • Hill’s in association with the University of Tennessee School Of Veterinary Medicine has developed a new approach for weight loss which includes a new method of calculating how much food your pet should eat and a new food that provides “zero deprivation weight loss and maintenance nutrition.”
  • 96% of dogs and 81% of cats lost weight with an average of 0.7% of body weight loss per week over a two-month period.
  • Hill’s ® Prescription Diet ® Metabolic Advance Weight Solution is a unique diet that contains a synergistic blend of nutrients and ingredients that work to change multiple pathways that are important for energy metabolism.


The Hill’s Healthy Weight Program

Step 1 

We will weigh your pet and take a few easy skeletal Morphometric Measurements
– Four in dogs: cranial length, head circumference, front and hind leg lengths
– Six in cats: head circumference, thoracic circumference, front leg circumference, and front leg, hind leg and body lengths
MeasureCatMeasure dog

Step 2

Using the above measurements we will use software to do the following:
– Calculate your pet’s ideal body weight and caloric needs
– Generate a custom feeding plan using Hill’s Metabolic with a graph to predict rate of weight loss  (Yes, we can allow for treats!)
– Calculate cost of feeding on a daily basis and how long a bag or case of food will last

Step 3
Monitor weight changes
– Your pet will return for periodic weigh-ins to chart progress as compared to the initial graph

Step 4
– Once your pet’s weight loss goal has been achieved we will determine your pet’s maintenance caloric needs to prevent that fat form sneaking back.

Please call to schedule your free Morphometric Measurements and Weight Loss Plan!